Graduation parades.
Our graduation days are a stepping stone to personal confidence, industry experience and coping with shyness. Families are shocked and so proud to see their sons or daughters overcome nerves to join in and walk the runway.
At the end of each semester, all our students have the opportunity to participate in an exciting modelling show with their fellow classmates. This gives everyone a chance to strut their stuff on the runway and it prepares our people for professional parades, festivals and runway shows.
It is also an incredible experience for everyone and is highly recommended for shy students as well as those who wish to get into the world of modelling. Everyone is nervous, but the joy of overcoming nervousness is a huge accomplishment. I am so proud of everyone breaking through these barriers and taking that first step …… you will never look back.
Our graduations showcase brand new students who bravely overcome their nerves, right through to the students who choose to enjoy our classes for many semesters. It is not uncommon for students to enjoy their training classes year after year. Whether you want to do modelling professionally or not, it is an exhilarating and fun way to gain confidence.
Why are Graduation parades good for students’ confidence?
- Modelling routines use both sides of the brain
- There is a huge sense of accomplishment
- Pride of participating in a new experience
- Overcoming the anxiety of being out of a student’s comfort zone
- The excitement after a graduation show
- Learning a new skill
- Posture, Body Language and Eye Contact
The most common response after Our Graduation, is student’s wanting to get straight back on the runway and do it again. It is also common for lifelong friends to be made within classes.
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